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Medical and Society Partnerships

HeartSavers Clinics and its parent entity Cardiology Prevention, LLC has numerous medical partnerships in the U.S. and around the world.  The company's proprietary CVProfilor used in the HeartSavers Clinics testing process is used in more than 60-countries.  The company's medical founder Dr. Jay N. Cohn is a co-founder of the International Society of Cardiovascular Disease Prevention.  The logos depicted here are some of the partnerships and affiliations the company has and has had over the past 20 years.

© 2022-2023 Cardiology Prevention, LLC (dba) HeartSavers Clinics

Corporate Office: 333 Washington Ave N, 3rd Floor

Minneapolis MN 55401

Not a clinical site

Corporate tel: (612) 444-3174


Not for appointments or medical questions

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Calls for medical questions, appointments, follow-ups, must go to your practitioner, not the corporate number. 

If you are having a medical emergency, dial 911

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