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The HeartSavers Clinics Testing is Different
It all starts with the Cardio 101 Tests. This is a process that takes up to 30 minutes. It's non-invasive, comfortable and does not require disrobing. Your tests will provide a numeric score from 0-8. Anything 3 or above is an early indicator of cardiovascular disease and will require you to go through our Cardio 1000 testing process. But should you score 0, 1, or 2, you'll be able to go home and return annually for re-testing.

Cardio 101 testing is important for anyone with a family history of heart disease, has been told they are pre-diabetic (or already diabetic), have a history of smoking, are overweight or have had COVID-19. The Cardio 101 testing is the first step toward understanding if you have cardiovascular disease and determining its severity and how to treat it. Remember, the earlier it is detected, the better chance you have at slowing or stopping its progression and avoiding heart attack, stroke or other cardiovascular complications.

The advanced Cardio 1000 tests. This is a process will take you up to an hour. Other than blood testing, it is also non-invasive, and comfortable. Some of the tests you'll be familiar with, while some are unique to the HeartSavers Clinics process and you will be given easy-to-follow directions. At all times, our medical staff will explain all the tests. Like you Cardio 101 testing, the Cardio 1000 will provide a numeric score from 1-20. The higher the score, the more cardiovascular disease has progressed and it will determine the treatment plan you'll be offered. You'll be asked to return in 6-months to do the Cardio 101 test again; and then in 6 more months to go through the Cardio 1000 testing again. The goal is to lower your score or to prevent it from advancing. Cardiovascular disease will not go away, but with HeartSavers Clinics, you can start working to slow it.

Remember — more than 50% of people with CVD have NO SYMPTOMS
HeartSavers Clinics testing is designed (and tested over 20 years) to determine the status of the disease. The tests are non-invasive and do not use any radiation.
Results from our clinics show that people who proactively maintain a low HeartSavers Clinics score are less likely to experience acute events such as strokes or heart attacks.
Our team of medical and cardiovascular experts review review your data and HeartSavers Clinics will develop a treatment program for you and make sure a copy (if requested by you) is forwarded to your primary care physician or Internist. We do not aim to replace your doctor but to help them with our expertise which has been accumulated over decades and validated in large-scale long-term trials.
Your Report
The HeartSavers Clinics medical provider will go through your report in detail.
The report will include:
Explanations of the results of every test and your lab work
Explanations of how the CVD Severity Score has been obtained and what it means
Explanations of the causes of your condition
Recommended course of action that is based on approved medications and lifestyle interventions
You will also be given a recommendation for when follow-up screening should take place. You will be able to schedule your next appointment before you leave the HeartSavers Clinics and/or receive email notifications to schedule follow-up testing.
The Fallacy of Relying Only on Risk Factors

HeartSavers Evaluation Score
Disease Interpretation
Traditional Risk Scoring (Framingham) tells you both individuals are at low risk.
The HeartSavers Clinics detection method clearly identifies one of the two individuals as being at high risk.
Traditional methods rely on population statistics whereas the HeartSavers Clinics method is based on in individual biology. Using traditional methods, there is no attempt at actual measurement but with HeartSavers Clinics, severity of disease is objectively measured.
By focusing only on risk factors, you're not seeing disease. HeartSavers Clinics detect asymptomatic disease - before the disease manifests into symptoms. With HeartSavers Clinics, routine follow-ups allow for monitoring disease progression so progression can be slowed or prevented.
Treatment plans and follow-ups are personalized. All testing is non-invasive and there is no use of radiation. And because HeartSavers Clinics are licensed medical clinical facilities, should you need to be referred to specialists in the cardiological medical community, we are able to do so.
HeartSavers Clinics Empower You To Improve Your Health

HeartSavers Clinics use state-of-the-art heart disease detection methodologies, technologies and treatment plan algorithms not typically available in a primary care setting.
All devices used are FDA cleared. Our services have been proven through controlled research protocols at the Rasmussen Center for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention at the University of Minnesota since the year 2000.
Methodology has been subject to numerous large scale, long-term longitudinal trials.
MESA 2000-2008 study (Duprez et al, 2011, n=6,500)
Artery Elasticity (Cohn et al, 2003, n=396)
Outperformance to Framingham Risk Score (Duprez et al, 2011, n=633)
Rasmussen Study 2000-2015 (Duprez et al, 2020, n=1,900)
We provide you with a biological measure of disease severity directly related to the state of your vascular system. We use measures such as arterial elasticity and vascular health with changes in pressure under exercise.
We explain the causes of the disease by measuring a variety of markers involving your heart, retina, lungs and urine as well as blood markers.